Dr. M. Balasiddulu M.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant professor
Department of Mathematics
GITAM School of Technology
GITAM University
Research Interest
Fluid Mechanics
Thrust Areas of Resarch
Heat and Mass Transfer, MHD flows and
Finite Element Methods

12. Effects of Chemical Reaction Heat and Mass Transfer on MHD Flow Past A Semi Infinite Plate With
Viscous Dissipation (Accepted for the Journal “International Journal on Theoretical and Applied
Research in Mechanical Engineering”).
Indexing/Abstracting in Google Scholar; Directory of Open Access Journals; TechRebublic;
USA,OALib; WorldWideScience.org
11. Finite Element Analysis of Hall Effects on MHD Flow past an Accelerated Plate with Ramped
Temperature. (Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.11 (2) (2015), PP: 23-27).
Indexed/Abstracted in the SCOPUS, Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt MATH and
EBSCO databases.
10. MHD and radiation effects on mixed Convection unsteady flow of micropolar fluid over a stretching
sheet.(Proocedia Computer Science (Elsevier) 57 (2015) 65 – 76, 2013 International Conference on
Computational Science). (Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact factor-0.705).
09. Finite Element Analysis of fully Developed Free Convection Flow Heat and Mass Transfer of a
MHD / Micropolar Fluid over a Vertical Channel. (Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering Vol. 8(4)(2014), PP: 219-232). Indexed in SCOPUS, Impact factor: 0.750(2015)).
08. Finite Element Analysis for Unsteady MHD heat and mass transfer free convection flow of polar
fluids past a vertical moving porous plate in a porous medium with heat generation and thermal
diffusion. (Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Vol. 11(2014), PP: 69-82).
Indexed in SCOPUS, EBSCO, Cross Ref, Index Copernicus, Google scholars, Google Analytics,
Global Impact Factor: 0.765(2015), 0.675(2014), 0.567(2013), 0.478 (2012), DRJI.).
07. MHD Effects on fully developed natural convection heat and mass transfer of a micropolar fluid in
a vertical channel.Elixir Appl. Math. 63 (2013) PP: 18555-18568)Indexed in Google Scholar,
Socolar, China, EBSCO Publishing Inc USA, Thomson Reuters, Embase and Elsevier.
06. Viscous dissipation effects on unsteady free convection and mass transfer flow of micropolar fluid
embedded in a porous media with chemical reaction.(Elixir Appl. Math. 63 (2013) PP: 18569-18578)
Indexed in Google Scholar, Socolar, China, EBSCO Publishing Inc USA, Thomson Reuters, Embase
and Elsevier.
05. Finite Element Analysis of MHD Effects on Micropolar Fluid Flow in a vertical Channel.(British
Journal of Engineering and Technology, February 2013, Vol. 1(5), PP: 13-19). Indexed in Google
04. Effects of Hall Current on an unsteady MHD flow of Heat and Mass Transfer along a Porous flat
plate with Chemical Reaction and Viscous dissipation.(International Journal of Engineering
Inventions, January 2013, Vol. 2(1), PP: 22-30). Indexed in American National Engineering Database
(ANED), Google Scholar, Copernicus, Science.in) (Digital Data link No. 087461/IJEI-2012230.
03. Finite Element Solution of Viscous dissipation and Hall Current Effects on an unsteady MHD Flow
and Heat transfer along a Porous Flat Plate with Mass transfer. (Global Journal of Applied
Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2012, Vol. 5(1), PP: 17-26). Indexing and Reviews in
SCOPUS, Mathematical Reviews, CAP International, and Indian Sciences Abstract.
02. Finite Element Analysis of Hall Effects on MHD Flow past an Accelerated Plate.(International
Journal of Mathematics Research, 2012, Vol. 4(3), PP: 259-268). Indexed in Google Scholar
01. Viscous Dissipation Effects on Unsteady free convection and Mass Transfer Flow past an
Accelerated Vertical Porous Plate with Suction. Advances in Applied Science Research, 2011, Vol. 2
(6), PP: 460-469). Indexed in Google Scholar, EBSCO Database, SCIRUS, SOCOLAR, PSOAR &
PGIAR. Impact factor: 0.533(2015).