Dr. K. R. Koteswara Rao M.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant professor
Department of Mathematics
GITAM School of Technology
GITAM University
Research Interest
Fixed Point Theory
Thrust Areas of Resarch
Different types of fixed Points
26) K.P.R.Rao, K.R.K.Rao, K.V.Siva Parvathi, Unique Common Fixed Points For Maps With - Contractive
Condition In -Spaces, Gazi University Journal of Scince(Scopus), (Accepted)
25) K.P.R.Rao, K.R.K.Rao and I. Imdad, A Suzuki type unique common fixed point theorem for two pairs of
hybrid maps under a new condition in partial metric spaces Demonstratio Mathematica, Vol 49, No. 1,
2016, 79 - 94 (Scopus)
24) K.P.R.Rao, K.V.Siva Parvathi, K.R.K.Rao, Suzuki Type Common Coupled Fixed Point for a Pair of
w-compatible Maps in Partial G-Metric Spaces, International Journal of Innovative Research in
Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, Issue 5, May 2015.
23) K.P.R.Rao, I. Altun, K.R.K.Rao and N. Srinivasarao, A Common Fixed Point Theorem for Four Maps
under (\phi-\psi) Contractive Condition of Integral Type in Ordered Partial Metric Spaces,
Mathematical Science Letters, 4, No. 1, 25-31 (2015).
22) K.P.R.Rao and K.R.K.Rao , Unique common fixed point theorems for Pairs of hybrid maps under a new
condition In partial metric spaces, Demonstratio Mathematica, Vol. XLVII, No 3 , 714 – 724, 2014
(Poland). (Scopus)
21) K.P.R.Rao, K.R.K.Rao and S.Sedghi, Common coupled fixed point theorems in fuzzy metric spaces, Gazi
University Journal of Scince, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2014 (Turkey), 739-745. ISSN: 1303-9709. (Scopus)
20) K.P.R.Rao and K.R.K.Rao , A suzuki type fixed point theorem for a hybrid pair of maps in partial
hausdorff metric spaces, Euresian Mathematical Journal, Volume 5, Number 3 (2014) (Russia), 93 –
101 ( ISSN : 2077-9879) (Scopus)
19) K.P.R.Rao, K.R.K.Rao and H.Aydi, A Suzuki type unique common tripled fixed point theorem and
application to dynamic programming, Journal of Advanced Mathematics and applications, Vol. 3, No.2,
1-8, 2014, ISSN: 2156-7565(P), EISSN: 2156-7557(online).
18) K.P.R.Rao and K.R.K.Rao, A common tripled fixed point theorem for Jungck type mappings in G- metric
spaces, Gazi University Journal of Science, Vol. 26, no. 3, (2013), 363 – 368. (Turkey). ISSN: 1303 –
9709. (Scopus)
17) K.P.R.Rao and K.R.K.Rao, A triple fixed point theorem for multi map in a Hausdorff fuzzy metric
space, Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 2013, (2013) Article ID 812153, 6 pages. (USA ) , ISSN: 2314 - 4785 .
16) K.P.R.Rao and K.R.K.Rao, A Common fixed point theorem for two hybrid pairs of mappings in b-metric
spaces, International journal of Analysis , Volume 2013, (2013) Article ID 404838, 4 pages. (USA ) ,
ISSN: 2314 - 4998 .
15) K.P.R.Rao and K.R.K.Rao, Coupled coincidence point theorems for (, α, β) -weak contractions in
partially ordered partial metric spaces, Punjab University Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 45, (2013),
51– 62. ( Pakistan). ISSN:1016 – 2526.
14) K.P.R.Rao, K.R.K.Rao and H.Aydi, A Suzuki type unique common fixed point theorem for hybrid pairs
of maps under a new condition in partial metric spaces, Mathematical Sciences (Springer open
Journal), Vol. 2013, 7 : 51. ( Germany). ISSN: 2251 – 7456.
13) K.P.R.Rao, K.R.K.Rao and V.C.C. Raju, A Suzuki type unique common coupled fixed point theorem in
metric spaces, International Journal of Innovative Research in science, Engineering and
Technology(IJIRSET), Vol. 2, Issue 10, Oct-2013, pp. 5187-5192. ISSN: 2319 – 8753.
12) K.P.R.Rao, K.R.K.Rao, Coupled Coincidence Point And Coupled Fixed Point Theorems For Weak
Generalized Meir-Keeler Type Contractions In Ordered Partial Metric Spaces, Kathmandu University
Journal Of Science, Engineering And Technology Vol. 9, No. II, December, 2013, pp 80-93.
(ISSN: 1816 – 8752).
11) K.P.R.Rao, K.R.K.Rao and N. Srinivasarao, Unique common fixed point theorems for single and set
valued maps, Carib. J. Sci. Tech., Vol. 1, 2013, 151-159. ISSN: 0799-3757.
10) K.P.R.Rao, K.R.K.Rao and Erdal Karapinar, Common coupled fixed point theorems in d- complete
topological spaces, Ann. Funct. Anal., 3, no. 2, (2012), 107 - 114. (Iran) , ISSN : 2008 – 8752. (SCI)
9) M.S. Khan, K.P.R. Rao and K.R.K. Rao, Some fixed point theorems in symmetric G-cone metric spaces,
Eurasian Mathematical Journal, vol. 3, no. 2 (2012), 85 - 93. (Russia) ISSN: 2077-9879. (Scopus)
8) M.S.Khan, K.P.R.Rao and K.R.K.Rao, Some fixed point theorems in D*-cone metric spaces, Journal of
Advanced Studies in Topology, vol. 2, no. 2, (2011), 37 - 45. (Egypt), ISSN : 2090 - 8288.
7) K.P.R.Rao and K.R.K.Rao, Common and related fixed point theorems for six maps in symmetric G-metric
spaces, Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, vol.3, issue 3, (2011), 96 - 107. (USA), ISSN:
1943 - 2380.
6) K.P.R.Rao, K.R.K.Rao and V.C.C.Raju, Common fixed point theorems in fuzzy metric space for single and
set-valued M-maps, International Journal of Mathematical Archive, Vol. 2, (4) (2011), 503 - 511. (India),
ISSN : 2229 - 5046 .
5) K.P.R.Rao, K.R.K.Rao and J.Rajendra Prasad, A unique common fixed point theorem for six maps in D*
-cone metric spaces, Gen. Math. Notes, vol. 1, no. 2, (2010), 96 - 107. (Jordan). ISSN: 2219 - 7184.
4) K.P.R.Rao, and K.R.K.Rao, Common fixed point theorems for four self maps in a metric space using
condition (P) or (P1) or (P2) and 2- compatible or strongly partially commuting maps, Pure and Applied
Mathematika Sciences, Vol. LXX, No. 1-2, Sep-2009, 24 – 33.
3) K.P.R.Rao, K.R.K.Rao and T. Ranga Rao, Common fixed point theorems in sequentially compact fuzzy
metric spaces, International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 2, No. 51, 2007, 2543-2549.
2) K.P.R.Rao, K.R.K.Rao and V.C.C. Raju, Common fixed points for maps in D-metric space using strongly
tangential and orbitatally lower semi-continuity conditions, Journal of Chungcheong Mathamatical
Society(CHAINA), Vol. 19, No. 1, Mar-2006, 1-8.
1) K.P.R.Rao, Bijendra Singh and K.R.K.Rao, On some fixed point theorems in S-Fuzzy metric spaces,
Varahmihir Journal of Mathematical Sciences(UJJAIN), Vol. 5, No. 2, 2005, 429- 438. ISSN: 0972 – 7329.